Classroom Expectations

Classroom Expectations


Students should expect to have homework each evening, Monday-Thursday. Rarely 
do I ask students to do homework over the weekend or over a vacation period.

General guidelines for each subject:

Math- Students will generally receive one/two sheets of math homework to
complete. There will also be a five-minute practice sheet that your child
should time herself/himself and self-correct.

Reading- students should read each day for 10-15 minutes each day found in the
manila folder. There is a paper sent home that describes the expectation and rewards
for nightly at home reading. Students need to complete one book each month for 
their Book Talks. This book talk needs to be completed by the last day of the month. 
Several months the students will do book bingo, in lieu of their book talk.

Social Studies/Science- complete various activities/projects throughout the 

Weekend News- students reflect upon and write about each weekend's 
activities. This needs to fill up a complete sheet, with a picture(s). This 
is always due the second day after we get back from the weekend. i.e. We have 
school on Monday, due date is Wednesday. If we have a vacation day on Monday, 
our first day back is Tuesday. Therefore, Weekend News would not be due until 
Thursday. Parents should not edit this writing. We will use the Weekend News 
throughout the year so students can self-edit their writing.